4th June 2018
It is not easy to blog, unlike before, I had only a laptop and a camera, after I transferred the photos to my laptop, then I posted them. very easy!
Now I have a smartphone that takes good and clear pictures, so much so that I am too lazy to take out my camera. In the end, the pictures get posted in Facebook only.
Let's face it, it is hard to write with smartphones, they are too smart, they auto spell your words, sometimes your sentences too.
Furthermore, with my fat fingers, instead of o, it goes to i, when I want an a, it goes to z. this was another reason why FB is easier.
Thirdly, with my failing eyesight, I can lay down, bring the phone very near to my face to read, write and post. with Laptop, I have to sit straight to type, I don't mind the sitting except then I can't see the words I type, I have to bring my face very near to the laptop,,,,can anyone imagine how uncomfortable it can be.
Okay, enough of excuses for being lazy, let's start to do serious blogging.
It is 7.53pm now. What have I done the whole day? Got up at 5am, checked my phone for messages, email and played one or two games. by then it was 6am. Went down to the kitchen, had some fruits, fed the fish in the pond (love that)
came in for breakfast. sat down at the table, realized that there are many messages, read the messages, wash up, went to the hammock, open my Ipad, watched a few episodes of drama. oh ya, I did walk around the house a bit, did a little of chores in between the drama, like washed up my breakfast dishes, watered the plants, a little sewing....the whole morning is gone. it seems like a relaxing morning, but I can assured you, it was not. Why not? let me explain.
As I had my breakfast, I had to find out some informations for Lani, forward air tickets details to Sak and Sokhom. clicked like to my friend's FB, left some comments, oh dear, my sticky fingers dirty my keyboard. looked for tissue to clean the keyboard, no more tissue, went upstairs to get the tissue, found out that I have not tidied my bed, after I tidied my bed, I came downstairs without the tissue, went upstairs again. right now it is 8pm, I still don't have any tissue on my table.....
Went to town in the afternoon to run some errands. Thanks to reliable Volake, she is like a daughter to me, she took me to the bank, waited for me, then did some shopping an....d then, we went to Swensen's, each had two scoops of ice cream..... life is simple and we are happy with the simplicity of life. Just two scoops of ice cream and we are so happy.
some friends came over for breakfast after the dawn prayer
at the temple yesterday |
Nabil is the only child that comes every Sunday since I started my English class.
I felt sorry each time I cancel the class. So this time I didn't send him back.
Instead I turned on "Anne" the classic movie for him to watch. |