Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Vera - It is hard not to love her

5th June 2018

Another old post, this has to be at least 8 years ago when Vera visited me in Zena’s Gasing house.

let's see, when did I meet Vera ! May be 1971, she remembered every thing about our first meeting. It was in my place in Kuching and she came with two other friends (she reminded me yesterday but I had no clue at all) accepted the Faith then.. Left for UK soon after that and stayed in China and Macau for the last 17 years.

I remembered well when I next saw her after 1971 was 20 years later, in 1993 when I went to Macau. She was a small lady, I was not sure if I could recognized her after so many years, but no fear, she was still the same old small size lady. (She is still the same)

You must meet her mother, she was another remarkable lady that one will never forget. I met her in 1999 again after 28 yrs, she remembered Boon and me very well. She is kind and one of the warmest and purest soul I ever met. I always remember her "touchew" prayer asking Baha'u'llah to bless and protect everyone she know.... in her own words.

Vera, one must know her to love her, she is simple, kind of like a child, you can easily pass her by but once you know her, you will never forget her.

She is on her way to America to seek a new life and I sincerely wish her all the best.


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