Saturday, April 23, 2011

What is wrong with life in the city?

It is almost 4am in the morning and I am still wide awake. I tried playing games on my laptop, that usually put me to sleep. I tried reading but the minute I dropped the book, I am awake again!

I would not believe myself if I would to tell myself I miss Battambang! But I miss Battambang. I miss the routine, the gardening, the children, the teachers and the friends. By 8 pm I could hardly open my eyes! Here I am, struggle to sleep and sleep does not come.

What is wrong with this life style? I have been out the whole day, I should be tired by now. Is it too much excitement? too much sugar? too much munching in between meal?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fighting a losing battle

Am I fighting a losing battle?

I have turn the side of the school into a beautiful garden with lots of flowers, papaya trees, Bayam, lady fingers, and now my banana trees also started to bear fruits. Looking at the garden make me happy although I never get to eat the papaya but at least people do not steal my bayam and lady fingers. I suppose they have never seen this veg and thus it was spared.

We put up a sign by the side that says "thank you for not throwing rubbish" but ........ just no word to describe how i feel each morning and it really change my mood of the day and make me want to leave this place.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Cold, cold March!

Me taking my own pic. Can you imagine me wearing cardigan and socks to sleep in the month of March? In Cambodia!

Cold, Cold March!

I never imagine March in Cambodia can be so cold. I kept telling the friends in KL that March and April are the hottest months in Cambodia. What has happened to the weather?

In March 2005 I was here during the fasting month and I spent the whole month laying on the cemented floor without going out of the house! I was on the floor immediately after breakfast and got up to cook at 5pm when the weather was cooler.

There are many changes in Battambang, the most obvious one is of course the weather.