Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mothers Day Special!

I came back from KL on the 5th, has it been only 3 days? Yes, only 3 days, 3 solid days, 3 terror busy days and 3 miserable days.

Came back to a messy kitchen, water in the mineral pot filled with tiny ants, the ceramic filter covered with green algae, gas stove dirty, bags of rubbish under the sink and heard of complained from Prema that she could not find anything at the right place where she used to put them. What do you expect? After one year of someone else taken over your kitchen

I decided to clean and clear all the rubbish and wash the mineral pot so that we could at least have water to drink. It was raining heavily again and rain came in from every direction, I left it just like that thinking I would mop it up after the rain. Let's hear what I got for doing all these when I explained why I did not stop the rain from coming in! "I can not understand your logic"and then she just walk away.

The whole of Battambang was flooded and our school was not spared. Luckily, we blocked the water from coming into the classroom. The trouble was the compound was muddy, filled with rubbish and red mud. Then I saw the neighbour, they came over and stood at the garden, the wife were shouting at us. According the them their house suffered from the flood since we planted the flowers and vegetables. I too can not see the logic in it and I asked him "you mean it was better with all the rubbish here than the flowers?" Guess what was his answer? "Yes, it was better, at least my house not flooded

The first Indian Restaurant opened in Battambang and dinner was free for all. The food was good and I am glad now we have a new place to go when we don't feel like cooking . We came home with Kavita, Wody and Ridvan to play "pokuat". Spent some time chatting with Kaixuan and Tijin. Such a busy and happy day

Saturday morning at 6am I took piles and piles of water to wash the compound, washed the cloths, hanged cloths and clean the kitchen. Sat down and relax and very pleased with myself.
Today is Sunday and also Mothers Day. Facebook is filled with Mothers Day greetings from children to their mums. Why only one day? They flooded the FB and say all the nice things which has no meaning. This is THE DAY that I will never forget. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! to me.