Old news made new ..... Battambang Part 6 Cambodian Wedding.
It has been awhile since I last posted. I was home in KL from January to end of March and it was in the heart of civilization (here, it is a different civilization). Sad to say, life is fun and comfortable KL but there was nothing much to write about.
Let's see, the highlight of the three months there was, of course, Chinese New Year! The next, was my illness. I fell very sick on the eve of fasting month and it dragged on till Nawruz. I nearly died but, fat hopes, because the fortune teller said I will live to 85 years old. Other than that, life in KL was about breakfasts with Innerwheel ladies, teas with ROLSI (retired old ladies sewing in), lunches, dinners with sisters, daughters and grandchildren.
Now that I am back in Cambodia, I live a more interesting life (sorry to say that to you, my sisters and friends, it is not that you are not interesting people). It depends on what one means by interesting, it is a very subjective term.
I have been here more than a month (1 week in HCM city), I have not done many things other than complaining in facebook about the heat. Now that the heat wave is gone, the weather is more pleasant, a friend of mine is helping me to turn the corner of the school compound into a garden. So for the last one week, I spent 2-3 hours from 6.30am to 9am doing labour work and I truly enjoy doing it. It is like having a sauna bath.
Our school cook got married and we went to the wedding. This was the first time I attended a true Cambodian wedding and it was very interesting.

This is the road to the bride's house and also the road that I fell from the motorbike a few days later. It is very slippery when the road is wet.

Me... Grace bt Abdullah

Every thing displayed here came in pairs.. two plates of grapes, two plates of cabbages, two plates of mango and all types of fruits.

Pig's head and chicken is a must.

Getting ready

The bride's mother.

Mother in-law.

Page boy and brides maid.

Our school staff, Volake, was one of the bridemaids

Paying respect to the parents in-law, parents, boss (Prema) and boss' mother (me)

Not used to wearing high heels, the bride had to change her shoes.

Each one of us had to carry a plate of the offering and we had to sit facing each other.

Prema and I had a tray of grapes each.

This couple danced to the music and picked up the food and fruits from us.

Grandma !

This tray consisted of onions and brinjal.