Thursday, December 11, 2008

My stay in HCM city, Vietnam

Youth gathering in Fay's place, the two youngest boys (not youth yet, only 10 yrs old) were Ti-jin and KKX. It was very touching to see them participating in the discussion ! ( don't know how much they understood though !)

After a day of study, the youth were rewarded with BBQ dinner by the poolside. As usual, thanks to Ewe Leong and Guat Looi, they were the perfect hosts.

Sunset by the river (the pool is just next to the river)

Daughters and mother ( we do look alike )

Ti-jin was there since it was a school holiday in Singapore. I had lots of fun with him. He always knows what to say to make me feel special !

Kai-en is learning how to swim now.

Study circle in the day. TV, fun and dance at night with the kids. Mama mia was our favorite.

Uncle Ganesen (let's see how long have I known him, about 40 yrs ) was there on a holiday too. (Must show Panja this photo). One thing I like about the place that Fay stays is that kids can run anywhere they like and they can go to the pool, play tennis or just run wild on the main road by themselves.


'What la ! you adults talk too much and too long ! Please , I am bored, I am sleepy '

If you think the two youngest one study so hard, you are wrong, they were drawing either Ben 10 or the characters from Lord of the Rings

They were singing " Love for Baha'u'llah sweet and wonderful ......"

I arrived HCM city on 11th Nov and the next day we went to Baha-i center for Baha'u'llah's Birthday celebration. Unlike last trip, I lazed around, did my quilt, and played with the kids.
This time, Fay has arranged some activities like a trip to the park after the celebration, Prema tutoring Ruhi book 5 for Fay and a few of her friends, then we had youth gathering for local youth, follow by BBQ by the pool.