The Blessed Grandma
The blessed grandma is also the traveling grandma now.
Monday, January 28, 2008
guess their future profession !

Some times I wonder what will their future be ! They love to play dress up and modeling, it is interesting to watch them play and enjoy them but as the same time I sincerely hope that they grow out of it soon.
when I was taking photos for Gaia and I asked her to smile for the camera, she told me that a model should not smile when taking picture. (see above pic for proof)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
fun by the river
we were at the river yesterday, while Mark, zee and grete went for rafting, Gaia, Saloma, Kaka and myself stayed by the river and had lots of fun.

Many uses of banana leaves ( as a food cover)
Monday, January 07, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Busy December
"Popo, what you want to order ?" Kai-en the waitress asked?
As usual, the two boys were in their "boy game" now as Gaia put it.
Hi ! to all the ah ee and cousins out there
HELP ! I don't know how to get down from this big bike
Breakfast in the morning before the swim.
swimming in Phoebe's house
I am thirsty and the pool water is salty and nice, want to try ?
Cool men !
This was what we did best, watching TV
Popo is playing with her camera again :-)
Birthday boy !
I think I had the most fun in December because I am the only one who get up early to go to the park with popo most of the morning
I don't like this swimming suit, it is Liam's
Hi to all of you out there. esp the two ah ee who are in faraway lands
Hello ! Prema and Grete ee, this smile is for both of you
Me too...
One day in Megamall with popo