The Blessed Grandma
The blessed grandma is also the traveling grandma now.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Gaia at the park

As all of you know, Zee and Gaia are back and you guess who is more happy, gaia or me? We spend lots of time together, we go to the park to feed the fish and birds, we swim, we pray, we go to our made believed land at night before sleeping.... and ofcourse we eat roti by the pool, she loves roti.. by the way , she is allowed to stay in my house once a week only so that we can do all the above together.

What happens if your 3yr old granddaughter captured this image in your mobile phone while sitting next to her mother and you know well that there is no such lady in your house.....freak out right?
This was what happened yesterday evening. As I came out from the bathroom, Zena showed me this image in her mobile and ask me who this lady was because Gaia just took the picture a few minutes ago.... well, we thought it must be in one of the magazines that were lying around but we searched and searched and could not find the answer. Zena got really frighten and suggested that I should move to her house. But i told her that we should say prayers instead because if she really appeared on the mobile like that, she really need those prayers. Since the spirit and us coexist in this world, she would have a right in this house too. And that made Zena more scared!
When Prema came home, we decided to say prayers together but we told ourselves we should search again for this lady in the magazines and you know what! we found her in the citibank redemption book....aiyah... potong steam only... no ghost after all... I was hoping to have one in my house !!!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I am a Tupperware dealer
I was introduced to Tupperware in an early age, I am not about to disclose my age but it was at least 40 years ago when Tupperware first being introduced to Malaysia. I remembered so well about the lst party I attened and since then I have been to many tupperware parties (enjoyed them too) and I am sure all of you some time or other had attended one too.
It means I have beeb using it for the last 40 years and as you know, it is life time guaranteed and just imagine how many of the broken covers I had and tons of mismatch pieces too.... To keep the long story short, I took the broken pieces to the nearest dealer to exchange and guess what ? I became a dealer too !!
By joining I hope to earn some pocket money, I am a women of small ambition (you see, I say pocket money, not big money) but I am afraid I am going to spend more than I earn! But let's look at it at a positive way, at least now I can buy it at a dealer's price.
I am so excited now by just counting how I can earn my pocket money. Names like Szue Fei, Betty, Ann, Lisa, En Szee ..........And so many more just popout from nowhere and you should be honoured that you are in my customer list...AND I THANK YOU IN ADVANCE...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Unhealthy life style-KL
Hi, I am back, you may ask where from? Well, I am back to the unhealthy life style.
Why do I say that, first of all it is the haze, it is getting worst inspite of all the rain, we can't see the blue sky anymore. secondly it the the eating habit.. This week I had durian for breakfast, durian cake (zena's birthday cake) for tea and "chang" made by 2 ee for lunch, further more there are goreng pisang, goreng ubi keladi.. and then there are so many Korean movies on television, Baha'i gathering till midnight sometime.
You tell me, where am I going to find time for exercise !!!!
The only time I can get some works done is now, it is 3.30am because there are too many things to do and too many phone calls to answer in the day . Sorry, wrong again, tonight I came home at 12 and there was this urgent call from Fay, asking where have I been and why I did not answer my phone,according to her she had called me a million times tonight. (she has this mistaken identity, thinking that she is my mother instead of my daughter) Let me tell you some of the questions she aways ask..."Where are you, why you come back home so late" "What are you doing these days" "What is your plan for your future" if I answer why I must have plan..........teekkkkkkkkkkkk wrong answer ! "OK, then what is your short term plan" The question I like best is " How much you have in your bank, do you have enough to spend"
I know I should get some sleep now. good night and good bye to all my dearest..
Monday, September 04, 2006
I am back
To all my dearest one, I am sure you are wondering where have I been, well, I am still around but my coputer "kaput". It was Grete's old set and it has been with me for years and finally our relationship ended.(me and my desktop, not Grete)
I just got myself a new laptop and you will see me online more often.