Tuesday, July 09, 2013

I am who I am.

It has been a week since I came back, I have settled in here very comfortably now. It is peaceful (expect for the occasion DEATH and WEDDING) and routine. no going to the mall, no makan dates with sisters and friends, no going for movie and no phone call.

The highlight in my kitchen is to watch my Korean Drama and it has proven to be very expensive since I am watching it on line .

I realized that I love being alone. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, esp grandchildren, and occasionally friends visit. I love not talking to others when I don't feel like it, not cooking, not eating if I don't want to and best of all if I want to eat non stop also no one to tell me not to!

I can go to bed at 6 pm or 6 am, no one to ask me why and best of all, I do not have to please anyone. I can mess up my room, dirty my kitchen or I can make cakes after cakes and give away or wasting all my time away in FB.

Sleep comes early nowadays, my eyes can hardly open by 9 pm, the problem is I stay awake after 12 am till the morning.

Oh ya, one more thing, no one to tell me how young and how good I look! My hairs are all gray, I never ever dress up ( I do not go around naked) other then when I need to go for BahaĆ­ functions.
I don't have a reputation of being young and beautiful over here, I came as an old lady and no one expect otherwise. In KL, I have to colour my hairs, dress for occasion BECAUSE the friends think that I am forever young and beautiful! They don't know how much time, money and effort to keep up to that reputation. So

I am who I am and I am now. Single, alone and HAPPY!


So, who care if I like to act funny, post stupid pic of myself !  :-)


At 8:47 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you don't go around naked! :)

Yes Ee, it is a nice feeling not to have to please anyone except yourself. It isn't an easy thing to do but as long as you are happy, we are all happy!!



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