One year memorial prayers
Kedah is still very much influnced by Siamese culture. My play ground was the temple in Bukit Pinang (before 7 or 8 yrs old) and believed me or not, my playmate were the apprentice monks. :-) As I moved on and I forgot about them till 1990, one of the monks came looking for me and we met up. He was an old men then ! He called me " Bee In " ! No body ever called me this , my dad changed my name to Bee Ean after my sister Saw In died of Leukemia and brought me back to stay with them. My heart still aches and there always be a knife twisting it every time I think of my grandparents and my childhood in Bukit Pinang.

Durian, Fired taufo were his favourite and they still are !

Must not forget credit card ! Name of the Bank ...BANK OF HELL

My sister in-law waited for him to call that night but he was busy else where! Must call her to find out if he has called.
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