Rida ! candid camera

Rida ! I have lots to say about her every time I meet up with my sisters, the way she walk, work and talk. She walks so sloooow, works so slooow and sometimes it gets on my nerve ! I tried to find faults in her work but although she is slow, she is so hard working and she works non stop, I can't help but like her. Mind you, I am not a slave driver, so many times I have to ask her to take a break ! I decided to follow her without her knowing and took down some valuable photos of her
One day I saw her brushing the pebbles in the garden one by one ! Now she spend one hour a day washing all the pebbles but in a smarter way. (The problem is now she can not decide whether to put it back or not because it will get dirty again!)
One day she took out all the children's shoes and brushed with all her might and strength !
One day I caught her climbing the ladder and about to clean the window outside of the master bathroom !
Right now she is washing the car porch... in spite of me telling not to wash it everyday !
She sweeps and mops the whole house everyday, no matter how I tell her not to do it.... that's how she irritates me !
She refuses to go out with me because she does not want to miss her prayer time... 5 times a day and 5 times brushing her teeth, gaggle her mouth with Listerine and washing herself. Some time I envy her conviction, wish I am more like her... not the washing part but the prayer part.
She can't pronounce 'f' and 'v'. I am teaching her English and 'five' is 'pipe', 'very' is 'pary'
and one day she asked me to buy for her 'crystal fresh' and it took me more than 1/2 an hour to understand what she wanted and a good laugh !
I like her best is how thrifty she is, never waste food, I stock up the fridge and she cooks everyday ! Some times I wonder why she is never tired of cooking. As long as I tell her to throw away the food that is kept too long, she will immediately finish it but she is not greedy.
The only thing that really irritate me is she insists on her brand of skincare, she insist her's is the best and the cheapest and refuses to use any other brand. I have to search everywhere for 'sofi' and she refuses to let me buy for her, she must pay for her own toiletry which is more than fine with me.
Oh ya, another thing about her is when I send my cloth for washing, I get it that very evening, washed and pressed ! I remember Jojo, the clothes in the basket in her room, crimper and smelly and never come back to me for at least one to two weeks. The laundry room is now spotlessly clean too. Laundry detergent used to spilled everywhere when Jojo was here.
I know she is going to have problem when the kids are back if she works this slow but There is no way I can make her work faster...and she knows it too.
All and all she is irritatingly refreshing and likable and I suppose that is one of her charms
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