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Boo Peng's funeral -16th Apr.2007
O My Lord, the poor one hath verily hastened unto the Kingdom of Thy wealth, the stranger unto his home within Thy precincts, he that is sore athirst to the heavenly river of Thy bounty.
Deprive him not, O Lord, from his share of the banquet of Thy grace and from the favor of Thy bounty. Thou art in truth the Almighty, the Gracious, the All-Bountiful.
- Baha'u'llah -
The funeral was a quiet and peaceful one, unlike most Chinese funeral that I have been talking.
We had Siamese monks chanted prayers in the day, Buddhish prayers in the night and Baha'i prayers in between. Since it is a modern age now and Boo Peng is educated, I am sure there are road sign in hell and he could read and bribe his own way there.
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