Monday, April 16, 2012

Reflection 16/4/2012

Woke up at 5.30 as usual, did more than one hour of hard labor, dug out all the veg that have grown too old to be consumed. Clear the plot for the next planting.

As I was doing that, it got me thinking. This is a plot of very fertile land, I have planted many beautiful flowers and vegetables. But the last time when two UniEd students who learned about planting Crop and city gardening, they approached me, took over the gardening while I was away. They planted some Mustard seed and spinach. By the time I came back, they have abandoned the project, reason given was because someone told them that there were too many stones and nothing will grow there. Since then, I observed how these plants grown into bushes and got old and can not be eaten but I could not do anything about it because I was too busy.
Finally, I cleared the land today but now my whole right arm and my back are aching like hell.

Posted on 16-4-2012

If today is 16th then yesterday and day before that, I have written the wrong date on my post! How silly of me. :-)


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