Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What I did this evening


I started with porridge for dinner in my room, thinking  to myself  that I would watch Korean drama while eating.

Looking at my porridge, I realized that it was such a beautiful bowl of porridge with nut and ikan belis. So I took out my Ipad to take a pic, then posted it in Instagram. While I was holding my Ipad, I noticed that I had full life on Candy Crush, so I played a few rounds till I run out of life ( I usually run out of life very fast).

Went back to my porridge, notification from my Ipad that someone posted something. Turned on the Ipad again, it was Kiyu, it was my turn on Scrabble. Played and ate my porridge as the same time.

Hold on, someone posted something on FB, I have to check. It was Chee Peng, he likes my link. :-)

I knew there were a few things I needed to do tonight. 1) to prepare lessons for K3 class for the next one week because teacher Dara is on leave. 2) I have to call the friends to arrange for tomorrow PotLuck dinner to celebrate the 12th day of Ridvan. 3) I must prepare the plan for the building of the school so that tomorrow I can give the report to the Fund Raising Team on Skype. 4) Settle the LSA Treasurer's report.

After dinner, put away my plate, opened  my laptop, checked my FB, my mails. deleted all the undesired mails. Google search for pic of Coyote and woodpecker for the lesson on Friday.While preparing the lesson, I remembered I needed to call some friends. Stood up, went to the other corner of the room to search for my phone, the floor was so dusty, mopped the floor. As I reach the weighing scale, I weigh myself. Good, I lost a few hundred gram last two days.

Hold on, I have another notification again. Ok, replied all the comments to Patty and Ashraf.

Sat down, forgot about the phone, the table is too clusters so I cleared the plate to the kitchen. wanted to make myself a cup of tea as the same time but first had to wash up everything in the sink.

Now I am downstairs in my room (kitchen is upstairs) but without my tea.....sigh.

To be continue .... since the tea was not made, report not done, lessons not planned, calls not made and it is almost 10.30 now. Oh ya, I must check if there is any drama to watch. goodnight.


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