My sun, my moon, my universe

When Kkx was born, I felt so happy, he was my one and only universe and then came TJ. Mind you, I have never seen two children with such opposite charater! If you compare Kkx as a sun then Tj should be the moon. Then came the stars of my universe.... Li-ann, Gaia, Kisha and Kke and by this oct we are going to blessed with another one ! and hopefully more to come in the future.
I used to observed how Kkx and Tj when they were young, kx is cheerful, quiet, intelligent, bright as sunshine. He was either reading or drawing. By the age of two he remembered the whole book of nursery rhyme by heart and by four he tried to write the story of "the three billy goat" .
Well,. TJ is just the other way round, he is smart.. very smart in a way like his mother, he is cretive like Andrew and never sat still when he was small, He not only memorized all the stories that we read for him, he could reinvent the stories and change the songs we sang too. He could hold a conversation on the phone like an adult at the age of two...!
There are so many little things they did that is alway fresh in my memory and keep me happy when they are not around me. As I am writing this I can't help but smile with contentment.
To both of you, thank you for bringing joy to my life !
p/s. to all my beloved stars, I shall introduce you in my next post.
So sweeeettt, so "kan tong"...
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