Old news made new ..... Battambang Part 3 Wedding in Battambang.

Wedding -the Cambodian way
Prema warned me just before she left, she told be to be prepared because this month is "THE WEDDING MONTH" for the Cambodian and I totally forgotten about that.
It was 5.30 am and I was waken by this very loud music... it seem to come from all the 4 corners. The park was deserted, no one around ? Guess what ? All gone for the wedding...@ 7 am.
If I know how to describe sound, I would say that no sound in this world ever louder than this. The BIG speakers are place on a tall pole to make sure that no body can sleep when they are getting married ! And today there are 4 wedding around the house, North, south, East and West. 4 weddings in one day. I am really not looking forward to tomorrow !
But if you think this is bad, then you have not been to a Cambodia funeral !
You crack me up!!!
So funny. You write well.
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