Lifestyle in KL
I truely want to live a healtier life, go to bed early (let's say 12midnight), eat less, eat more veg., go for morning walk, stay away from the computer. I tried, honestly I tried very hard..... but it is just impossible !
I arrived KL on the 23rd evening, On the mobile for more then an hour seaching for Jojo because I did not have the keys to the house. Finally had to call Vienna and asked where she was. (First stress....) Got up the next morning at 6.30am, went for a walk and guess what? at 6.45am, 3ee called and we went for breakfast ! .... then shopping, then lunch...(there goes my eat less diet!) Let's see what else happen since then... arranged delivery of Zena's furniture, shopping, met up with sisters and friends (more eating), doctor's appointments and dinners with friends (almost everynight and it is killing me slowly). How can I go to bed early if I reach home everynight after mid night ?
Oh ya... finally I finished the quilt, it is not really a quilt, it is a patch work blanket. I am very proud of myself because I wanted to do this since I was young(still young) but never had the time and determination. I must thank Bee Lee for teaching and helping me and as the same time Kiyu for he sat patiently every night by himself.
It is 6am now and 3ee is coming in half an hour time. We are going for a walk in the park (with all her lady friends... and she is the youngest and slimmest of them all !) and then for a healty breakfast (tosei & teh tarik)
Mummy dear, kudos for accomplishing what you had set out to do. Still haven't heard about Florida yet. Do update us, please! I suggest you don't come in May and yet I wish you will come anyway. It's so hot i don't even want to turn on the fan because it's only blowing hot air! So, I sweat myself silly and then turn on the fan so that it's cooler...then, turn it off again when i'm dried up...hehehe...crazy, huh?
This is your life story. Always want to slow things down, earn some money, live healthier...etc. Reality is, it is not possible. And you wonder why i am like that :-)
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